
Customer Testimonials

When it comes to the innovative, quality products available from Bill-Ray Home Mobility, don't just take our word for it. Read what some of our satisfied customers have to say about our products, customer service, and more. Call 920-257-4001 today for a FREE consultation, if you have questions, or you wish to place an order for your own Friendly Bed, transfer bar, and other mobility products! 

There are no words to describe the difference the Friendly Bed System has made in my life. It has made getting in and out of bed much easier and safer for me. I can now easily get in and out of bed and position and re-position myself in bed, on my own, once I'm in there! It is so sturdy that it just gives me a very safe and secure feeling. Thank you for providing such a well thought out, brilliantly designed, top quality product and much needed medical device!

- Daphne B.

I love it. It was worth every penny. I love all of the components – the trapeze, rails, balance pole, even the posts at the end of the bed. 

- Nancy

I want to thank you for your excellent product and your commitment to customer service. The design is so intelligent, the structure so sturdy. Being able to get in and out of bed despite Parkinson's is liberating, to say the least. 

- David

We truly appreciate you and your bed (Friendly Beds)! It was two years since he was able to sleep in his bed. Now, he couldn’t exist without it. You couldn’t put a price on being able to sleep in your own bed again. It was a huge quality-of-life improvement. 

- Margie

He slept well last night and is more rested today than he has been in a long time. He is able to get himself out of bed completely and safely. Using the trapeze bar helped so much, as well as the side bars. As a bonus, I slept better last night than I have in at least two years. He really likes the light on the frame with the remote. He is usually asking me to turn on a light in the middle of the night and now he can handle it himself! 

- R.

I set it up this weekend and it is working well so far. My dad is finding it very beneficial. It will definitely be very helpful in preventing any falls around the bed for him. 

- Vinai

I ordered your bed because I thought we were going to need it 'sometime in the near future.' Within a month, we were so grateful we had it. My husband got a severe infection that rendered him unable to walk. He is doing very well now. I show the bed to all who enter our home. That it is made in the USA is also important. I put the base together myself. I am proud of the results and extremely happy with the bed. Thanks so much. 

- Maureen

You couldn't pay me enough money to ever give your product (Friendly Beds) back! 

- Barbara

I have used it two nights! The first morning, getting out of bed, I was a little nervous. Second morning, I was able to use the trapeze and pole or bed rail with my upper body strength with no help! Awesome! This is wonderful! Thank you so much! This will give me my life back. 

- Rose S.

The product went together perfectly. It has made my dad's life so much easier. It has also been a tremendous help for my mother. My mom says you have saved her back since my dad is now able to help himself get up. Since my dad is on dialysis, he needs to get up every few hours and roll over. With your product, he is now able to do it by himself and he no longer needs to wake up my mom to assist him. We would highly recommend your product. Your product is amazing and well-conceived. Thanks again! 

- Scott P.

People enjoy a higher quality of life in the home environment. Anything that allows them to safely stay there longer is a huge benefit. Walkers and lift chairs have been around a long time but there is finally a product that focuses on the bed area. The Friendly Bed System is very heavy-duty compared to the current lightweight aids on the market. I am confident in the quality and strength of the material used in the Friendly Bed System. 

- Denis Ashauser, president, Home Helpers 

Friendly Beds has helped me a lot with getting in and out of bed. I have bad arthritis, so things were getting difficult. I love the product. I also seem to be getting stronger after using it. 

- Kathy P.

Friendly Beds has helped me a lot with getting in and out of bed. I have bad arthritis, so things were getting difficult. I love the product. I also seem to be getting stronger after using it. 

- Barbara G.

Bed is set up. Looks awesome. Love the look of it and it appears to be very functional. I am sure we will love it. He got in and out of bed several times with just a little help.

After a few days, David is getting stronger and is able to get himself out of bed and turn over. Still having small issues getting into bed, but we know he will conquer that soon. I wish we had found you sooner. Thanks. 

- Rosalie S.

We discovered Friendly Beds at a time when things were really beginning to get difficult, and it has made a great difference in the activities of daily living for us. 

- Kathleen M.

Friendly Beds is really a blessing. It is working out very well, and I seem to be stronger now. This is a godsend. I enjoy showing it off to the county nurses and many other visitors. 

- Nelda S.

We love the beds. You know how critical it is to have that security, and it’s been a godsend for us. I think everyone who has anyone with compromised mobility needs to know about Friendly Beds. My mom is the “Energizer Bunny." She uses the bed to exercise and could not have recovered as quickly as she did without the bed. It has made all the difference for her and she is your biggest fan. It's given my dad so much. He was falling and it has saved him. There are no longer any problems. It's just been a night-and-day difference for them. 

- Kathy E.

It took me about 10 days to work out the best way for me to transfer back and forth. I've got it down pat now and am very happy that I can safely transfer. Needless to say, my wife is very happy, too. Thank you for a great product. 

- Bill S.

Dad is so very pleased with it. Has had two nights with the system and he reports a freedom with it that he hasn't experienced in a long time. With the hospital bed's ability to sit up and then the trapeze overhead and the pole next to it, all are in place to give him security and mobility! He is very encouraged. I hope the exercise involved with help make him stronger.

Again, we are so thankful God led us to your website as well as for your attitude and service. Will let you know over time how Dad is progressing with his new bed system. This is truly an American-made product with a heart! Glad we could buy it from you.

- Vicki S.

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